Sunday, January 12, 2014

Brutal Workout Musings

I haven't been great about working out recently. I've only been working out 2-3 times a week instead of my usual 3-5. This has led me to feel dumpy and depressed, and not eat as well as I usually do. Which makes me feel dumpy. Vicious cycle. 

So I decided to go to boot camp on Friday. Body Rebellion Boot Camp is awesome. It kicked my ass this week. We did push ups, lunges, tricep dips, and lots of other things that I don't know the names of. At one point, I was sure I would die. I looked at the girl next to me and noticed she was crying. I felt like crying. When we finally got to stretching it out, I felt wobbly and sore. But I felt fantastic. The depression I was feeling melted away. 

I did Zumba on Saturday and was lucky enough to be joined by my sister Angela and friend Sarah. It's much more fun to do group classes with friends. Zumba is so much fun and I highly recommend it if you haven't tried it. The same facility that does the boot camp also has several Zumba classes per week. I definitely felt even better after Zumba. I even felt good enough to go to a wine tasting yesterday! It was so fun!

This morning, I woke up feeling so sore and like I'm getting a cold. The original plan was going to the gym for a light run/walk. I was not feeling that this morning with my runny nose! I decided to do yoga. We recently cleaned up our partially finished basement, so it's a perfect meditation space. I can lock out Nathan and our pets and just be with myself. I did about 45 minutes of yoga, and now I feel awesome. It's so much easier now that I just listen to what my body wants.

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