Sunday, January 6, 2013

Am I a Crunchy Geek, Too?

So I married a geek. Like one that loves Star Trek, Doctor Who, and is a programmer/IT guy. I've always loved Star Wars and horror, but for many years, avoided anything that would make me seem like a dork. Finally when I hit my early 20's (after being married for several years!), I started to give new sci-fi a chance. I started with Firefly and really enjoyed it. 

Nathan finally had me watch Battlestar Galactica. I highly recommend this series for any sci-fi fan, especially those into apocalyptic fiction. I became obsessed with the characters. I even got people at work into the show. After I watched the entire series in an embarassingly short period of time, Nathan got me to watch Doctor Who. I've managed to avoid some of the Star Trek movies and have only watched a handful of Star Trek episodes. 

I prefer post apocalyptic sci-fi to the hopeful universe Star Trek embodies. Probably because I'm more of a horror fan anyway. I love zombies. I love fast (Danny Boyle) zombies. I love 28 Days Later. I do appreciate the shamblers, but they don't terrify the way the sprinters do. I think part of the reason I started running was so I would be in shape for the zombie apocalypse, but as of my Zombie Buffet 5k in October, I failed miserably. I was "dead" by the quarter mile mark. (Note to file: I don't really believe the zombie apocalypse is coming)

I know being a geek isn't about the shows we watch. I also love science. I'm a vet tech because I love medicine. I love cooking because I love chemistry. 

I spent many years denying myself of things that I would enjoy because I thought I would be labeled in a certain way. How silly is that? I guess I will spend my time being a crunchy geek then.


  1. I am a dork and proud of it :) If you liked firefly you should watch Dollhouse and Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles. They are also by Joss Whedon and therefore every bit as well written.

    ~Jairica Stepford ✿

    1. Loved dollhouse, couldn't get into the Terminator series.

  2. Proud geek here :)

    I'm not a Star Trek fan, but I can probably recite any Star Wars movie if you feed me a line. But the REAL question: do you search out all those planets/universe/physics and astronomy shows on Discovery and NatGeo like I do?

    1. I prefer the human interest documentaries (Food Inc, The Invisible War, etc) to science shows, but I love to read about physics and such.
