Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Best Christmas Ever

My cat Padme has chronic gastrointestinal disease. We have been dealing with this for three years, so when she didn't eat on Saturday night, I didn't think much of it. I took her to work yesterday, where I found out she may have badness related to chronic inflammation. I thought we may have to do surgery to figure out what was wrong. I begrudgingly hospitalized her overnight on fluids and medications to help her... and she started eating last night. She's home today, but we are not totally out of the woods.

 Yesterday I was pretty upset. Padme is 15, and I don't know that surgery would be best for her. I was not ready to euthanize her. I had a sobbing meltdown to my mom. I can't imagine Padme not being here. She sleeps on my pillow. She eats guacamole. She studied with me when I was in college. She got me out of bed when I was depressed. I can't imagine my life without her. I know I will have to eventually live without her. I just want her to tell me she's ready, and I know she isn't yet. I'm glad she's giving me more time to get used to the idea. Bringing Padme home today was probably the best gift I have ever gotten. Padme and I wish you a very merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Work Out Rest Days

So I haven't felt like working out. For three days. So I haven't. I feel like its important to take off days for injury abd mental health. Days off don't mean sitting on the couch and doing nothing (to me, for mental health). Since I didn't go to the gym, I cleaned the kitchen, played with the dogs in the snow, and moved some furniture. No need to get on the treadmill after that. Well, I could, but I won't. My goal now is to just keep moving.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oven Roasted Potato Tacos

I tried something new tonight... I made up my own recipe with no inspiration from another. I was craving potatoes and something spicy and slightly greasy. I also have kale in my fridge that I wanted to use. So I came up with Oven Roasted Potato Tacos!

5-7 small red skinned potatoes cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1-2 tsp olive oil
salt and seasonings of choice

Bake potatoes at 400 for 25 minutes.

I sauteed a jalapeno and a small red onion in about a teaspoon of olive oil. I then added pinto beans and a few sprinkles of tabasco sauce. After about two minutes, I added the kale and cooked until it was soft. Top with avocado and hot sauce on a tortilla of choice. Boom. Easy dinner. 

During the process, I had to have Nathan run out for tortillas, and I spilled about a quarter of the can of pinto beans down the sink. Because I am clumsy. Still delicious and totally worth the little screw ups. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I'm Back!

After my long hiatus, I'm back. My New Year's resolution is to blog three times a week, so I figured I could start now. I'm going to try and post my weekly grocery shopping experience, as well as my menu, so that's where I'll start.

 On the menu this week: burrito bowls, spinach and artichoke pasta, sweet potato burgers with roasted potatoes, pesto pizza, and black bean and avocado enchiladas.

 Highlights of my purchase: 1 sweet potato, a bunch of kale, jalapenos, 2 bags of avocados, 2 jars of peanut butter, apples, tangerines, and cherry tomatoes. I also splurged on a dark mint chocolate bar, organic lemonade, and chocolate covered frozen bananas. Also purchased some ham, cheese, and organic milk for hubby. All of this and more was $81.

Since I last blogged, I have adopted a plant based diet. I am avoiding dairy and eggs, as well as meat. I've been doing this for about a month, and I feel awesome. I know that this diet isn't for everyone, but it works for me. If you're interested in a plant based diet, I recommend the documentary Forks Over Knives. I've heard arguments that a vegan diet is expensive and hard, but I've been spending less and the meals seem easier.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cap City

I ran my first race (other than a 5k) this weekend! I ran a quarter marathon (6.55 miles). My goal was 1:30, and I made it in 1:33. At first I was disappointed in this, but my first mile was the best time I had ever done (11:11). I think I started out too strong and puttered out. But I did it! And I'm so excited that I did it that I will be signing up for a half marathon in October. Training starts at the end of June! I'm super excited! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

One year!

Today marks one year without smoking, and I couldn't be more proud. I decided to quit smoking in March of 2012, after Nathan and I went hiking in Hocking Hills and I was wheezing on the way back up the hill. I was WHEEZING! I was 24 years old and wheezing at the end of a four mile hike. This was not acceptable. I picked a date to quit (April 19), and I stuck with it for once. This did not go smoothly though. I remember crying and yelling at Nathan that night that he was pressuring me to quit smoking when I wasn't ready. 

But I was ready. I was tired of not being able to breathe when I was working out or getting winded while wrestling with a dog at work. The first 10 days were the hardest. I cleaned out my car to get rid of the smell. I took a different route home from work to try to break my habit. I didn't drink at all for almost 6 weeks, and I didn't drink beer for three months. I knew that if I had a Blue Moon or Woodchuck, I would need that cigarette. And it got easier.  The Quit Now! app really helped. I still keep it on the homepage of my phone, and it reminds me how much money I've saved, how many cigarettes I haven't smoked, and how many days I've gained back of my life. I don't want to ever hit that "reset" button that takes me back to zero. 

I was so lucky to have a great support system during this time. Nathan put up with my tantrums (they were plentiful), my family gave me space, and my co-workers tolerated my rollercoaster of emotions. I couldn't have done it without help!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Columbus, Ohio

I love living in Columbus. The cost of living is reasonable, Nathan and I both like our jobs, it's pretty pet friendly, and there's lots to do. I've liked Columbus even more now that I am more active.

There are so many parks and trails and downtown is pedestrian friendly. The park I frequent the most is Three Creeks in Groveport. They have an awesome dog park and lots of trails. This is where I do at least half of my running. The other half is by Pickerington Ponds. 

Other things I love about Columbus: There's always something to do. We have Jeni's. And Columbus is pretty vegetarian friendly. 

So why am I inside doing nothing? I ran six miles this morning.

And I'm covered in cats.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Crunchy Car

So yesterday we decided to look around at cars. I've always wanted a hatchback and since our cars are both not doing so hot, we had started looking online at cost and specifics of cars that we may want. I liked the Ford Focus, but since I drive 55+ miles per day, I really needed something that was going to save on gas if we were going to have another car payment....

So we bought a Prius.

Isn't it cute!?!?! 

We were so proud of ourselves because we got a good deal, and stuck with our guns about the monthly payment amount. We have now dubbed the Prius "The Crunchy Car." 

Happy Easter, everyone!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Multiple Musings

So I have a confession... I haven't weighed myself in almost a month. I hadn't lost more than a few ounces since December and I was starting to get frustrated. No matter how hard I was working out or how well I was eating, the scale didn't move. It was so frustrating because I feel better than I ever have. My body can do pretty much whatever I ask of it. So I put away the scale. 

This week also marks six months since I've worn Spanx. I used to wear them everyday, for over two years. Even in the summer. I was embarrassed about how I looked without them. In September, I decided that I felt better without them. And I feel like I even look better too.

I am making vegan chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting and spring time quinoa salad for Easter dinner. Nom.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Self Injury Awareness Day

I have struggled with depression and self injury my entire life. It started as a young teenager, when I realized that cutting myself made me feel less anxious about pretty much everything. When I was finally diagnosed with depression at the age of 15, medication helped with the extreme emotions, but it made me feel completely apathetic to everything. The cutting got worse on medications. I had an abusive boyfriend who put me down and made me feel like garbage. When he dumped me, I cut up my entire arm. After that day, December 4, 2003, I decided I would stop. The first three months of not cutting were really hard, but I didn't slip. 

I have never gotten over the struggle with cutting. When I'm going through stressful or depressed times, I have to keep myself in check. I can't be alone around razors or pocket knives. It's actually harder for me to not cut than it is to not smoke.

I have self-inflicted scars all over my body to remind me that my past is real. Self injury is real, and well-adjusted people struggle with it. Please visit TWLOHA for more information.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Evolving Workouts

When I first started working out last year, I started with the elliptical I have in the basement. We bought this off of Craigslist for $100, it's a really cheap elliptical. I would do this for 20ish minutes several times weekly while watching a TV show. This helped me maintain my weight while I quit smoking. Then we had a gym open up about 10 minutes away with fees of $10 per month. I was not able to pass this up. I've been going to Planet Fitness since it opened in July 2012. At first, I started with walking on the treadmill and continuing with the elliptical. I also started training for my first 5k. I started weight lifting, and I really enjoy it. That's also where I've noticed the most difference in my body. A few weeks ago, I bought a Groupon for fitness classes. I've never been comfortable in classes, I feel like a group is not the way to go for me. I tried yoga and loved it, but definitely not the classes. I have been doing some of the stretches I learned at home. My sister got me to try Zumba, which I really thought I would hate. I absolutely love it. It's fun, and you don't even realize you've been working out for an hour. I've grown to love my workout time, and it is ever evolving. I'm hoping to try a boot camp next!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Vegan Baking

I've been dabbling in vegan baking. Last week I made a vegan cinnamon cake and Guinness brownies. They were both sooo good, so I got a little adventurous today and made chocolate avocado cupcakes with vegan buttercream (1 cup of vegan margarine, 3 cups powdered sugar, 2 to 3 tablespoons of almond milk, and 1 tablespoon of vanilla). They were the most delicious thing I have ever baked. Ever. We are not vegan, but do want to watch our cholesterol and fat intake. Nathan's dad died when he was young due to a heart attack, and I have heart disease in my family. I also want to reach my ideal weight by the end of the year, so we are introducing more vegan meals and keeping up the exercise. Stay healthy, friends.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gun control, stress eating, and other rants.

So I'm feeling some stress tonight. First off, I have seen several posts on Facebook and elsewhere talking about how Sandy Hook was a hoax or conspiracy by the Obama administration to get people riled up about gun control... Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? Lots of people died, most of them small children and you are going off on crazy rants? I guess there is a 30 minute video to go along with this, but I have a life and no time to watch a 30 minute gun crazy circle jerk. No one is coming to take away all of the guns.  We just want the rules that we have to be enforced and some new ones to be made to make these massacres less frequent. Someone posted a comment to the video in question saying that if Vicki Soto would have had a gun, the whole thing could have been stopped. This makes me rage on a whole new level. My little sister is a first year teacher, and the picture that really made Sandy Hook hit home to me was the picture of Vicki's sister waiting to hear of her fate. I feel like Vicki could have been my sister, as I know Angela would do the same thing in that situation. And the thought of her carrying a gun to school makes me so angry. A hand gun would have done nothing. The guy was wearing a bullet proof vest and had an automatic weapon. He would have gotten off 10 shots before she drew the gun anyway. Enough about guns...

I have been under some stress for the past few days, and I find it fascinating how my reaction to stress has changed. I used to curl up into a ball, smoke 10 cigarettes, and eat $20 worth of Taco Bell by myself. Now, I did just send Nathan for some volcano nachos, but I also went for a run tonight. I crave exercise now instead of cigarettes or tons of food. I'm still letting myself eat what I want, just lesser quantities. My goal is to maintain my weight and keep working out while I'm so stressed.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Am I a Crunchy Geek, Too?

So I married a geek. Like one that loves Star Trek, Doctor Who, and is a programmer/IT guy. I've always loved Star Wars and horror, but for many years, avoided anything that would make me seem like a dork. Finally when I hit my early 20's (after being married for several years!), I started to give new sci-fi a chance. I started with Firefly and really enjoyed it. 

Nathan finally had me watch Battlestar Galactica. I highly recommend this series for any sci-fi fan, especially those into apocalyptic fiction. I became obsessed with the characters. I even got people at work into the show. After I watched the entire series in an embarassingly short period of time, Nathan got me to watch Doctor Who. I've managed to avoid some of the Star Trek movies and have only watched a handful of Star Trek episodes. 

I prefer post apocalyptic sci-fi to the hopeful universe Star Trek embodies. Probably because I'm more of a horror fan anyway. I love zombies. I love fast (Danny Boyle) zombies. I love 28 Days Later. I do appreciate the shamblers, but they don't terrify the way the sprinters do. I think part of the reason I started running was so I would be in shape for the zombie apocalypse, but as of my Zombie Buffet 5k in October, I failed miserably. I was "dead" by the quarter mile mark. (Note to file: I don't really believe the zombie apocalypse is coming)

I know being a geek isn't about the shows we watch. I also love science. I'm a vet tech because I love medicine. I love cooking because I love chemistry. 

I spent many years denying myself of things that I would enjoy because I thought I would be labeled in a certain way. How silly is that? I guess I will spend my time being a crunchy geek then.

Friday, January 4, 2013


One of my favorite parts of the week is meal planning. I lay in bed with my dogs and turn on one of my shows (usually Grey's Anatomy!), and start my weekly recipe search. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am mostly vegetarian. I do it for health reasons and the ethical and environmental implications are a bonus. My body simply feels better when I don't eat meat. 

My weekly staple is nachos. On Monday nights, Nathan and I take our break from the gym and have a date night to start the week. I make my nachos with black and pinto beans, cantina chips, whatever cheese I have on hand, red onions, jalapenos, and guacamole. We always look forward to nacho nights!

I like to try at least two new recipes per week and the rest are old recipes. I also make at least 3 meals during a marathon cooking session on Sundays to avoid eating out during the week. It saves so many calories and so much cash! 

My goal for 2013 is to eat more real foods. I would like to hit my "goal weight" by the end of the year, so maintaining my fitness and diet will be important. Anyone have any good vegetarian recipes?

Note: My sister, Angela, told me that I should explain what "crunchy" means. I use crunchy as granola aka "hippie." I don't consider myself a hippie, but crunchy has been used to describe me by several people, and I kind of like it! 

Have a happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In October of 2010, I was miserable. I stepped on the scale and weighed 273 lbs. This was only a symptom of deeper problems. My husband had been laid off of work for two years, I hated who I was, I was depressed and not sleeping well, and food was the only comfort.  I ridiculed myself daily and I was at war with my body.  

I couldn’t believe I had “let myself” get to that weight. I saw a doctor and was originally prescribed Adipex. I quickly dropped 25 lbs and taught myself about portion control by tracking my calories. I started to speak to myself as I would speak to a friend. I stopped seeing the doctor after she suggested a radical diet. Over the next year, I steadily dropped another 15 lbs by calorie counting alone. But I wasn’t watching the types of foods I was putting into my body.

In September 2011, I became a (mostly) vegetarian after many years of consideration. I feel so much better when I don’t eat meat, and my rosacea cleared up. I still have so much fun searching for recipes and creating my own dishes.

In April 2012, I took some time off from focusing on my weight loss to quit smoking. In the summer of 2012, I joined a gym and started training for a 5k. I never thought of myself as a runner, but here I am, running at least once a week now that the 5k is over and done.  I go to the gym three to five times weekly, and I recently added in strength training.

The difference you can see is that I’ve lost 55 lbs. I still have about 45 lbs to my personal “goal.” What you may be able to see is that I am more confident and I smile more. What you can’t see is that my whole outlook on life is different. My marriage is better. I’m a better vet tech. I’m a better pet-mom. Everything in my life, I do a little (or a lot) better. The difference that you can’t see is that I speak kindly to myself every day. I thank my body. I poke my muscles that I never knew I could have. I accidently took a picture of my thighs at the gym, and while I was browsing through my phone later, I had no idea they were mine until I saw the shoes. I am continually amazed by what my body can do and will do.